Thursday, August 25, 2011

Starting Japanese! Woohoo!

ひらがな. I just like typing in Japanese - it's fun. I can't wait to actually start typing worthwhile saying - complete sentences, coherent thoughts, good conversations... yeah, it's probably several years until then, but one can hope, right? Why Japanese, you might ask? Well, why not? Japanese looks flat out sweet with its characters - hiragana, katakana, and kanji all alike. Plus, I would imagine that people would be impressed that you can do that and you can write stuff for people. There is another reason, though. I am interested in finally understanding the anime that I love to watch without having to read subtitles. Also, knowing Japanese could allow me to get Japanese video games long before they come to the U.S., without losing any of the experience of the game. Finally, as I am planning on a degree in Engineering, it could be useful to know Japanese, especially since Japan seems to be very skilled in new technologies. Oh, and I could understand the Japanese music I listen to sometimes...

あめ means rain


  1. こんばんは、ジェシーさん。I think your blog is so unique, and love your title. Why are you so attracted by ぬ?? I am just wondering. I like your little vocabulary lesson too.

  2. ありがとう。 ぬ is just in memory of the anime/manga ボボボーボ ボーボボ, which uses ぬ as a running gag line. It's one of my favorites, but the story is slightly different in Japan, so I want to be able to understand that one too.

  3. こんいちは。I was wondering what types of anime/manga you liked and if we had any in common? (I replied to your post on my blog)

  4. At the pace we're going in class it'll probably be a few weeks before you can type whole sentences in Japanese. As a computer science major I can see what you mean by Japanese hopefully helping your career. I've had similar thoughts but foremost just want to become fluent in the language.

  5. gotta get that Pokemon before it ships to the US! and is ur blog's title any reference to Adventure Time! if so, then I can tell we'll be besties.

  6. It wasn’t orignally a reference to Adventure Time, but I love the connection. ありがとう!

  7. はじめまして。


  8. Hey, nice to meet you too! Yeah haha I think having Japanese family helps to motivate me to better my Japanese, but hey if anime helps motivate you then no problem! That's a good thing.
