It appears that my Japanese studies have come to a halt for various reasons. However, I am expecting to continue next year, so I cannot get rusty... I must rely on the aid and support of my followers! (I'm done for -.-) Interestingly, it seems that my Japanese is taking a slightly different turn from my Latin, which is I remember more of the vocab than the grammar. Strange.
My hope originally was to keep pace and try learning it on my own. I laugh at how naive I was. The semester has been busy, and its hard to find time for learning new things (new juggling tricks, instruments, languages, blog posts, etc.). Luckily, I still have my workbook, so let's see if I can't dish some new, fun stuff out. Here goes nothing:
私は ロック と クラシック すきです。
I missed favorite things! NOoooooooOOooOooOOOOoooo! Anyway, how very strange that like is an adjective. It's probably more like 'liked': The banana is liked. Makes some sense. still though: I am liking rock and classical music? That's really weird. I guess 'is' in the abstract isn't a good translation for です. It is more of a 'these two things are connected, here connect them in your head' type thing.
すき means like
きらい means dislike
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